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} .padding-left-right-128-m { padding-left: 1.28rem; padding-right: 1.28rem; } } /* 杈规 */ /* 瀹炵嚎 */ .border-solid-light { border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } .border-solid-left-light { border-left: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } .border-solid-right-light { border-right: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } .border-solid-top-light { border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } .border-solid-bottom-light { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } .border-solid-left-right-light { border-left: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); border-right: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } .border-solid-top-bottom-light { border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } /* 铏氱嚎 */ .border-dashed-light { border: 1px dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } .border-dashed-left-light { border-left: 1px dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } .border-dashed-right-light { border-right: 1px dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } .border-dashed-top-light { border-top: 1px dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); 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width: 23%; margin-right: 2%; margin-bottom: 2%; font-size: 0.16rem; } .sub .product-smart #product .products > div:nth-child(4n + 0) { margin-right: 0; } .sub .product-smart #product .products > div .pic { position: relative; width: 100%; padding-top: 100%; text-align: center; } .sub .product-smart #product .products > div .pic img { position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; margin: auto; display: block; max-width: 90%; max-height: 80%; } .sub .product-smart #product .products > div .word { margin: 0 0.2rem; padding: 0.2rem 0; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #eee; } .sub .product-smart #product .products > div a { display: block; background-color: #fafafa; } .sub .product-smart #product .products > div a:hover { background-color: #eee; } .sub .product-smart #product .products > div a:hover .word { border-top-color: #ccc; } .sub .product-smart #product .products > div.all .pic img { width: 30%; opacity: 0.2; } .sub .product-smart #product .products > div.all .word { opacity: 0.4; border-top-color: transparent !important; } .sub .product-smart #solution .solutions { padding: 0; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } .sub .product-smart #solution .solutions > div { float: left; width: 31.3333%; margin-right: 2%; margin-bottom: 2%; background-color: #fafafa; } .sub .product-smart #solution .solutions > div:nth-child(3n + 0) { margin-right: 0; } .sub .product-smart #solution .solutions > div .pic { position: relative; padding-top: 51%; margin: 0.2rem; } .sub .product-smart #solution .solutions > div .pic img { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } .sub .product-smart #solution .solutions > div .word { margin: 0 0.2rem; padding: 0.2rem 0 0.1rem; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; } .sub .product-battery #intro { background: url(../image/icon/battery.svg) no-repeat right bottom; background-size: 4rem; } .sub .product-battery #solution .explain { text-align: center; font-size: 0; } .sub .product-battery #solution .explain > div { font-size: 0.16rem; display: inline-block; width: 32%; } .sub .product-battery #solution .explain > div img { width: 1rem; margin: auto; } .sub .product-battery #solution .solutions { padding: 0; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } .sub .product-battery #solution .solutions > div { float: left; width: 31.3333%; margin-right: 2%; margin-bottom: 2%; background-color: #fafafa; } .sub .product-battery #solution .solutions > div:nth-child(3n + 0) { margin-right: 0; } .sub .product-battery #solution .solutions > div .word { margin: 0 0.2rem; padding: 0.2rem 0 0.1rem; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; } .sub .product-battery #solution .solutions > div .pic { padding: 0.2rem; } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg { background: url(../image/product_cn_2.jpg?_=1) no-repeat center center; background-size: auto 6rem; padding: 0 1.2rem; } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs { position: relative; height: 6rem; /*background: url(../image/svg/product_cn_line.svg) no-repeat center center; background-size: auto 7rem;*/ } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div { position: absolute; width: 2rem; font-size: 0.2rem; } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div:nth-child(odd) { left: 0; } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div:nth-child(even) { right: 0; /*text-align: right;*/ } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div:nth-child(1), .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div:nth-child(2) { top: 0; } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div:nth-child(3), .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div:nth-child(4) { top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div:nth-child(5), .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div:nth-child(6) { bottom: 0; } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; margin-top: 0.1rem; list-style: none; } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div em { font-family: 'Barlow Semi Condensed'; font-size: 0.26rem; font-weight: bold; color: #009fe8; } .sub .product-battery #adv .adv-bg .advs > div strong { display: inline-block; position: relative; 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